Week 1- Clearly, the Arts are critical.
"We know the Arts develop creative thinkers who can effectively employ 21st-century, critical-thinking skills with confidence,
persistence, and success.
In fact, according to “Facts & Figures” from Americans for the Arts, a student who engages in the Arts is four times more likely to be recognized academically, is twice as likely to graduate college, scores nearly 100 points higher on their SATs, and is five times LESS likely to dropout than their peers. Clearly, the Arts are critical."
As an art teacher, I often hear the students say that "Art has no relevance outside of Art Class". I always challenge this thinking by asking them a few questions. "Have you watched a movie lately... Well an artist made the Movie Poster." "Did you read a book this week... graphic designer created the layout with the pictures and text." "Did you eat cereal this week... Photographer took a photo of the food." "Did you wear shoes this week... a Fashion Designer designed them." "Did you sleep in a house last night... an Architect designed your house." My point is merely to educate the students that art actually is all around them in their everyday life. Art is more than just paintings in a museum. Life as we know it would cease to exist if their was no art in our everyday lives.
Now if the students are thinking this way, how many of their parents are thinking this way. This project in creating an art show is more than just showing off some of my students completed work. It is an opportunity to educate and change mindsets. Here we can get the community as a whole to see the importance of the art department and want to participate in any way to help fund the art program.
In essence I am trying to get the parents to "Clearly see the Arts are critical".
You are so right that life as we live it now would be SO different if art was not a part of our everyday lives. I love that your goal of the art show is to educate others on this fact in addition to letting students have an outlet for their creativity.