Week 5 - Event Planning Essentials


Week 5  - Event Planning Essentials

My research has emphasized the importance of early planning for a successful art show. Following up on our previous discussion about date selection, location, and budget, let's delve deeper into the nitty-gritty aspects:

The Power of Checklists:

A comprehensive checklist is a cornerstone of a smooth-running art show. This seemingly simple tool ensures every task, from setting the date to coordinating volunteer assignments, is documented and assigned. Delegating tasks and recording them on the checklist keeps everyone accountable and avoids last-minute scrambling.

Taming Tasks with a Timeline:

Having planned large events myself, I understand the crucial role of a detailed timeline. Assigning deadlines for checklist items prevents procrastination and forgotten tasks. Similarly, volunteers appreciate deadlines that establish clear expectations and avoid feelings of being overwhelmed.

The Allure of Themes:

While themes aren't mandatory, they add a sense of cohesiveness to the art and event activities. Themes can also prevent your show from becoming repetitive year after year, which is crucial for maintaining audience interest. A well-chosen theme can even guide your selection of engagement activities.

Engaging Activities for a Vibrant Show:

Theme selection can guide the choice of engaging activities. Activities, like carnival games or scavenger hunts, generate excitement and keep the crowd moving. Photo booths offer a fun memento for attendees. Activities encourage people to stay longer and potentially participate in fundraising initiatives. Remember to factor activity costs into your budget discussions.

What do you know that you didn't know last week?

My experience planning corporate events has instilled in me the importance of meticulous organization and adhering to deadlines. This keeps the process manageable and prevents overwhelm. However, the prospect of planning three separate shows for different schools next year can still feel a bit daunting.

4/26/24- Update, I have been given an offer to take on more days at one school so I can streamline to just 2 schools. I have also started discussions with one school on creating next year's art show.

The Art of Education University - 15 Revolutionary Art Show Tips - 8 Steps for Organization of Fine Arts Night - Planning the Perfect Art Show - 6 Ways to Partner with the Community for a Successful Art Show

Oriental Trading Company - Emoji Photo Booth

Party in the Art Room - 16 Tips for Successful School Art Show

Art with Mrs E - 10 Must - Have Items Every Art Teacher needs to put on an Art Show


  1. Hello, I never really thought about the importance of having a theme in different planned shows. Now that you mention it, I can totally see how it makes designing easier and more exciting! I bet the kids are going to love it!

  2. The theme for the different art shows is a great idea. It will assist with viewing experience for audience as well as enhance the students' work. The detail of your thoughts with being organized is a great strategy you are using.


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